Important Information to know before Election Day:
The General Election will be held on Tuesday, November 8, 2022
Early voting will begin on Thursday, October 27, 2022 and continue through Thursday, November 3, 2022.
Hours of the voting locations: 7:00 am - 8:00 pm
Determine which voting district you live in using the tool on the Board of Elections website at: https://voterservices.elections.maryland.gov/PollingPlaceSearch
Make sure you are registered and that your voter registration information is up to date with current address, name, etc.
Make a plan to vote early, or on Election Day and determine your voting location. There are 3 early voting locations throughout the county: Jaycees Waldorf, St. Joseph Church in Pomfret, and Sacred Heart in LaPlata.
On Election Day, you must vote at one of the thirty (30) designated locations throughout the county based on your address.
You can look up your polling location here: https://voterservices.elections.maryland.gov/PollingPlaceSearch
Board of Education Specific Voter Information:
Effective this election, voting for the Board of Education (BOE) is by District in Charles County for the first time.
Charles County has 4 districts. These are the same as your commissioner districts.
Voters in each district can vote for two (2) representatives of their choice and one (1) at-large member. A total of three (3) votes for BOE is allotted to each voter.
This will create a new Board of Education that consists of nine (9) members: Two per district (x4 districts) and one at-large member. This is an increase from the current seven (7) member board.
ONLY candidates within the voter's voting district will appear on the voter's ballot.
School Board members are non-partisan and therefore appear on all ballots, (Democratic, Republican, and Independent), regardless of the voter's party affiliation.
On Election Day:
Be sure to read your ballot carefully and follow all instructions.
The at-large candidates will appear first on the ballot, towards the bottom. Select only one (1) of those candidates. The candidates in the voter's district will appear at the very end of the ballot, under the at-large section. Be sure to select only two (2) candidates in your district.
Take your time! If confused, ask for assistance.